
Be Wise To Take A Loan

A loan is a type of debt. Like all debt instruments, a loan entails the redistribution of financial assets over time, between the lender and the borrower.

In a loan, the borrower initially receives or borrows an amount of money, called the principal, from the lender, and is obligated to pay back or repay an equal amount of money to the lender at a later time. Typically, the money is paid back in regular installments, or partial repayments; in an annuity, each installment is the same amount. The loan is generally provided at a cost, referred to as interest on the debt, which provides an incentive for the lender to engage in the loan. In a legal loan, each of these obligations and restrictions is enforced by contract, which can also place the borrower under additional restrictions known as loan covenants. Although this article focuses on monetary loans, in practice any material object might be lent.

Acting as a provider of loans is one of the principal tasks for financial institutions. For other institutions, issuing of debt contracts such as bonds is a typical source of funding.

Types of loans
1. Secured
A secured loan is a loan in which the borrower pledges some asset (e.g. a car or property) as collateral for the loan.

A subsidized loan is a loan that will not gain interest before you begin to pay it. It is known to be used at multiple colleges.
A unsubsidized loan is a loan that gains interest the day of disbursement.
2. Unsecured
Unsecured loans are monetary loans that are not secured against the borrower's assets. These may be available from financial institutions under many different guises or marketing packages:
credit card debt
personal loans
bank overdrafts
credit facilities or lines of credit
corporate bonds (may be secured or unsecured)
The interest rates applicable to these different forms may vary depending on the lender and the borrower. These may or may not be regulated by law. In the United Kingdom, when applied to individuals, these may come under the Consumer Credit Act 1974
3. Demand
Demand loans are short term loans that are atypical in that they do not have fixed dates for repayment and carry a floating interest rate which varies according to the prime rate. They can be "called" for repayment by the lending institution at any time. Demand loans may be unsecured or secured.
Loan payment
The most typical loan payment type is the fully amortizing payment in which each monthly rate has the same value overtime.
The fixed monthly payment P for a loan of L for n months and a monthly interest rate c is:

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在网银和ATM机尚未普及之前,人们还习惯于把现金从一家银行网点提取出来,再用特意找好的旧报纸仔细包好,小心谨慎地拿到另外一家网点办理业务。1999年9月,招商银行[13.76 1.25%]推出全国首个网银以来,网银已经逐渐改变了人们的金融生活,人们已经习惯于用网银来跨行转账、支付,或者通过支付宝、快钱等第三方支付来购物、缴费、还信用卡账单等。










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B 跨行转账实时到账


在超级网银开通之前,用网银进行同一银行内转账,资金是可以实时到账的,而如果是跨行转账,则很难实现资金实时到账。如东亚银行[29.80 0.27%]网银转账时,就提供两种选择,一种是普通,一种是加急,加急转账银行会立即处理,而普通转账提交后需要等待,银行会将转账资金打包后一起处理。


C 跨行管理账户

“一站式”管理所有银行账户是超级网银的另一大特色。今后,用户可以在中国银行[3.41 0.89%]的网银上,就能方便快捷地查询到招商银行的账户情况,这令银行客户摆脱了不同银行账户需要开通不同银行网银的烦恼。


Wise choice about infurance

We hear about insurance everyday in our life and it is related to our life closely. There are different types of insurances: Auto insurance, Home insurance, health insurance, Accident,Sickness and unemployment insurance, Casualty insurance, Life, property, liability and credit insurances, and etc.

1. What is insurance?
  Insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss in Law and Economics.
Not everyone will meet these accident and evergyone has the probility to get involved. That is where insurance comes. It gathers groups of people with a small amount of money and will spend it on those who meet the accident. So when people meet the difficulty,they could have elimination of the loss.

2. Who will need insurance?
    Good question. As everyone could have the probility to meed those unexpected difficulty or incident, everyone will need certain types of insurance to ensure that when something happens, they could reduce their loss.

3. What type of insurances do I need?
  As mentioned above, there are different kinds of insurances, and there are for different groups of peoples.

Auto insurance is for Vehicles and it provides property, liability and medical coverage:

1).Property coverage pays for damage to or theft of the car.
2).Liability coverage pays for the legal responsibility to others for bodily injury or property damage.
3).Medical coverage pays for the cost of treating injuries, rehabilitation and sometimes lost wages and funeral expenses.

Home insurance provides compensation for damage or destruction of a home from disasters. In some geographical areas, the standard insurances exclude certain types of disasters, such as flood and earthquakes, that require additional coverage.

Health insurance, like other forms of insurance, is a form of collectivism by means of which people collectively pool their risk, in this case the risk of incurring medical expenses.

Accident, Sickness and Unemployment Insurance
Disability insurance policies provide financial support in the event the policyholder is unable to work because of disabling illness or injury.
Workers' compensation insurance replaces all or part of a worker's wages lost and accompanying medical expenses incurred because of a job-related injury.

Casualty insurance insures against accidents, not necessarily tied to any specific property.

Life insurance provides a monetary benefit to a decedent's family or other designated beneficiary, and may specifically provide for income to an insured person's family, burial, funeral and other final expenses. Life insurance policies often allow the option of having the proceeds paid to the beneficiary either in a lump sum cash payment or an annuity.

Property insurance provides protection against risks to property, such as fire, theft or weather damage. This includes specialized forms of insurance such as fire insurance, flood insurance, earthquake insurance, home insurance, inland marine insurance or boiler insurance.

Liability insurance is a very broad superset that covers legal claims against the insured. Many types of insurance include an aspect of liability coverage.

Credit insurance repays some or all of a loan when certain things happen to the borrower such as unemployment, disability, or death.

4. How to get insurance?
 Different insurance companies offer different insurances and they will have a detailed procedure about how to sign an insurance. The important things in to identify your risks in your life and choose the best insurance that suitable for you!



简介: 在网上用信用卡充值会有额外的奖励赠送,你通过用我的信用卡充值,你会得到额外的奖励,而我则可以赚取一点差价,权当作手续费。

充值金额 奖励到卡金额您的价格优惠价
$28$5$33$29 $25
$30$5$30(国际)+$100(本地)+$5(国际+本地) $31$25
$48 $12$60$52 $45
$88 $22$110$95 $85
$128 $32$160$140 $125
$188 $47$235$200 $185

3. 确认收到你的转账后我通过网络用信用卡给你的手机充值。
